It's time to change content on TV, says actor Namish Taneja. The actor says that today's audience might not enjoy supernatural and saas-bahu dramas as much. "At some point they are entertaining but at other times, they can get irritating. But there should not be a lot of shows on air like this. Shows like these should be limited. It's time to upgrade the content on TV," he says.
The actor, who is seen in Mahesh Pandey's Vidya, is excited to be part of the project. The actor plays the lead role in the show, however, he says that this doesn't put any pressure on him."Personally, there is no pressure on me. I don't take stress but yes, I will work hard and I hope the audience loves me," he says.
Talking about working with Mahesh Pandey, he says, "I am so blessed that I am working with him again and again. I have worked with him on so many of my shows such as Ekk Nayi Pehchaan, Main Maike Chali Jaungi, Swaaragani. I know him well and he knows me. My biggest reason for doing this show was Mahesh Pandey sir."
Meanwhile, the actor is a youth icon and has a large fan following. "For the youth, I want to say that everyone wants to become something so they start pressuring themselves and start wasting their time and life. My point is whoever wants to become something in life, just take it easy and enjoy what you are doing. But it is important to work hard too," he says.
Ask him what is his dream role, and he says, "I want to do something through which people learn good things from me, people should stop wasting time and not get stressed. A role which will be related to life or related to factual things would be amazing."
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