Yaariyan actor Himansh Kohli has made a name for himself with a variety of films that he has done. While some have worked, some have tanked at the box office and while the film actor feels that struggle is an inevitable part of an actor’s life, knowing someone in the industry always helps. “I have seen some of the best actors such as Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Shraddha Kapoor shined with their names on the wall of fame. Kangana Ranaut has opened about nepotism and I agree with her that it exists in the industry, but I feel like it exists in every industry. At the same time, a lot of new talent emerge in every field who have no connection or references. Being somebody's son or daughter can't be a crime. When you are brought up in an environment where films are talked at home it surely makes a difference,” he says.
However, the industry needs to change its outlook towards those who come from different backgrounds, he says. “I think the industry needs to be a little more welcoming towards outsiders. It's so hard getting work for people who don't have exposure or guidance. Although newcomers are getting breaks but still star sons and daughters have an edge over people who have no connections. It's like you are in a readymade home and we are making a home brick by brick. Shahrukh Khan had no connections when he came. Sushant Singh Rajput transited from TV to films purely on talent. I feel more opportunities need to be given to new talent,” he says.
The actor rose to fame with his first film Yaariyan but had a few setbacks with his other projects. However, he never let this deter him. “Yaariyan was a hit and the youth connected with the vibes of the film as well as its youthful flavour. It gained a lot of attention. After the film became a hit, I chose other films which came my way. Some of my films like Sweetie Weds NRI and Ranchi Diaries were good films but didn't do well at the BO and box office makes a lot of difference. Currently, I'm looking for a good project. One can't decide the fate of the film. I was just starting out in my career,” he says.
Talking about the kind of films that he wants to do in the future, he says, “Frankly, I judge roles according to the depth of the character. If it's well written and detailed out like it should be, I fall for it. In terms of films, I want to do an action film now! I wish I could get the chance to work with Karan Johar. I like how the characters are celebrated in all of his films. How the sets and the content is something that interests the zeitgeist. I loved his Kabhi khushi kabhi Gam and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai too. He presents romance in a magnetic way. But, I'm open to working with anyone, if the script is good and the film has the required financial backing, I'm up for it.”
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