Director Dinesh Soni recently recorded a song for his film Tumse Milkar in the voice of singer Yasser Desai, who had earlier crooned songs for Abbas Mustan's film Machine and Akshay Kumar's Gold. The romantic song Besabra Khwahishen was recorded at the Goregaon based A G Studios by music director Rajesh Atibal Sharma. The DOP of the film produced by Dinesh Soni and Ritesh Sharma is Dinesh Soni himself and written by Vikash Koushik.
It may be remembered that Dinesh Soni who hails from Ambikapur in Chattisgarh had worked as a assistant DOP for films directed by Prakash Jha, Anees Bazmee and Anurag Basu. Dinesh had made his debut as a director with his film Life Mein Twist for which he as also the DOP. Dinesh Soni and Ritesh Sharma are producing the film Tumse Milkar under the banner of D S Productions. There are six songs in the film, The second song for the film was recorded today for the film wheres the first song had been recorded in he voice of Palak Muchchal and Kunal Sachdeva earlier.
Singer Yasser Desai said that the song was a romantic number which has not only brilliant lyrics but also soothingly composed. The lyrics. Atul Mishra has written the lyrics which is being hailed as a song full of extra ordinary feelings of love and emotions. The producer-director Dinesh Soni, addressing the media said that his film revolved around the lives of two young lovers who loved each other from the bottom of their hearts. In general , people tend to think that love is successful only if it culminates in marriage but Dinesh is of he opinion that real love is the other name of sacrifice. Tumse Milkar revolves around this one line concept.
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