Actor Ankitta Sharma will soon be making her web debut with the series Ishq Aaj Kal. The actor is excited to be part of the project. “This is a spin-off of a TV show; so I was expecting this to be very TV like. However, it is not. So, I am glad that I am part of ISHQ Aaj Kal,” says Ankitta, who has been seen in shows such as Lajwanti and Ek Shringaar – Swabhimaan.
Talking about her role, she says, “I play the role of Aaliya Jaffri who is the cousin sister of Kabir aka Adnan Khan of Ishq Subhan Allah. There is a past wherein her father died. Aaliya wants to find out more about the death, as she feels that there is a hidden truth to it. Kabir tells her that if there are doubts prevailing, she needs to go out and find out the truth. This kickstarts her journey,” she says.
She adds, “Aaliya is vulnerable to begin with. But she grows on to be a person who can give it back whenever needed. This is a very realistic attribute to have considering the times we live in. I don’t think there are girls who can take anything and everything and can never speak up. So yes, the character is very interesting. I have done only TV so far. And I am happy to do something that is very relatable. The show is very much in the realistic space.”
The actor says that the character is very different from all that she has played before. “Lajwanti had many shades. Swabhimaan was a very good show for me, but Naina did not react to situations for which we would normally react. So here, I can go all out. The best part is that the character here is very different.”
She adds, “I have never done anything like this. As the title says, it is Ishq Aaj Kal. So the romantic angle is certainly there. But there is much more in the story. It is purely a thriller. The genre is very different; it has a non-linear storyline moving to and fro from the past to the present and vice versa.”
Ankitta feels that this is the perfect series to make her debut “I was scared to get into the medium initially. The best part is that the shoot takes place without any hurry and deadlines. We can take our time and deliver the scenes. No compromise is made based on the time scarcity. Above all, the character is very beautiful. And the shoot sense is all film-like. We are waiting to hear the response from the viewers,” she says.
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